JASK Member Fure-ai (Get Acquainted) Bus Tour and Picnic
JASK ふれあいバスツアー&ピクニック
Sunday, October 18
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
10月18日 日曜日 10:00am-16:30pm
This is the first of a new series of events to introduce Kentucky’s unique culture, history, and natural beauty to members of JASK! In particular, we want to encourage personal interaction between our home-grown Kentucky members and those who have joined us from Japan and elsewhere!
This event gets us “behind the scenes” of the culture of Central Kentucky. Did you know that we have a world-famous expert on tea living right here among us? Bruce Richardson is the owner of Elmwood Inn Teas in Danville, and also the Resident Tea Master at the Boston Tea Party and Ships Museum in Boston, Massachusetts. Bruce is also the author of several influential books on tea drinking, including The New Tea Companion, The Great Tea Rooms of Britain, and a new edition of Okakura Kakuzo’s Book of Tea ( 岡倉天心の「茶の本」). On our first stop, Bruce will talk with us about the significance of tea and of Okakura’s work at his home base of Elmwood Inn Teas in Danville.
ブルース リチャードソンさんはダンビルにあるElmwood Inn Teasのオーナーで、Boston Tea Party とマサチューセッツにあるShips Musium でのティーマスターでもあります。
バスツアーの一つ目の行き先では、ブルースさんがダンビルのElmwood Inn teas にてお茶の重要性や岡倉天心についてお話します。

Our tour includes a picnic lunch held at Constitution Square in Danville, site of Kentucky’s first seat of government (1785). Then we head to nearby Perryville, locale of Kentucky’s largest battle of the Civil War (1862). The battlefield has an outstanding small museum of period artifacts and videos that explain the circumstances of the battle. Led by a local guide in Civil War costume, we will tour the battlefield by bus, stopping at significant historical sites within the pastoral landscape. From there, we will head to Merchant Row in the center of Perryville itself to spend a few minutes browsing and shopping for mementos of our visit, before departing for Lexington.
このツアーにはケンタッキー初の政府の一座(1785年)であったConstitution Square でのピクニックスタイルのランチが含まれています。
その後はCivil War(1862)の間、ケンタッキー最大の戦いが繰り広げたPerryville に行きます。戦場の地となった場所にはビデオでの戦争の説明がついた小さな博物館があります。
ここではCivil War のコスチュームを着た地元の方が戦地を案内してくれます。
その後はPerryvilleの’中心のMerchant Row に行き、お土産を買い、レキシントンへと帰ります。

Individual: $20.00
Family: $40.00
What is Included
Lunch from Melton's Deli
Museum Admission
個人: $20.00
The Tours will be Conducted in Both Japanese and English
10:00 - Bus departs from Lexington (exact location TBD)
10:45 – Bus arrives at Elmwood Inn Teas, Danville, 135 N 2nd St, Danville, KY
(859) 236-6641
11:00 – Talk/presentation by Bruce Richardson, world-renowned tea expert
12:00 – Picnic lunch, Constitution Square Historical Site, 105 E. Walnut Street,
Danville, KY (859) 236-7794
1:00 – Depart for Perryville
1:15 – Arrive, Perryville Battleground Museum
1:30 – 2:30 – Tour of Perryville Battlefield with costumed guide
2:30 – 3:00 – Shopping and browsing, Perryville shops
3:00 – 3:15 – Depart for Lexington
4:15 – Arrive back at Lexington pickup site
10:00 レキシントンから出発
10:45 Elmwood Innに到着
11:00 ブルースリチャードソンさんのお話
12:00 ピクニック
1:00 Perryville に出発
1:15 Perryville Battke Ground に到着
1:30-2:30 戦地のツアー
2:30-3:00 お土産の買い物
3:00-3:15 レキシントンへ出発
4:15 レキシントン到着