Taiko Drum Workshop
December 4 and December 18
(Must attend both sessions)

For those who have seen and heard the taiko drums and have wanted to learn to play, JASK has designed a workshop for you!
Susann Barrett directs three taiko drumming ensembles in Columbus, OH. Ms. Barrett studied under Eitetsu Hayashi, world-renowned taiko artist and founding member of the KODO taiko troupe. She and her groups have performed throughout the Midwest.
NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Limit: 20 participants (age 16+). First-come, first-served.
Twenty participants will meet on two Saturdays, December 4 and December 18, from 2:00pm to 8:00pm on both days, to work with Susann.

Program cost includes everything except food (group will break for dinner) and inexpensive drumming sticks. Official drums will be used for all practices. A few students will be selected to perform at the 24th Annual JASK Shinnenkai New Year's Party.
Contact JASK with questions. This event is co-hosted by the University of Kentucky Department of Theater.